RV rubber roofs provide a great way to keep your recreational vehicle safe from the elements, but even the toughest rubber roof can succumb to wear and tear. Knowing when it's time to repair your RV's rubber roof is crucial for keeping your RV in great shape.
Spotting the signs of an aging RV rubber roof can be tricky, but with a few simple tips, you can make sure that your roof is in good condition and is functioning properly. From the tell-tale signs of leaking and cracking to the more subtle signs of fading and discoloration, this guide will help you identify when it's time to repair your RV's rubber roof.
Signs of Wear & Tear on an RV Rubber Roof
As rubber roofs age, the material expands and contracts, causing it to sag and crack. This is especially true of hybrid and all-season rubber roof systems, which are designed to be flexible and able to handle a variety of weather conditions.
However, RV rubber roof systems can also suffer from other signs of wear and tear, like fading, discoloration, and peeling. Depending on the extent of the damage and the rubber roof system you have, you may also notice signs of leaks, separation seams and blown seals.
If you notice any of these signs on your rubber roof, it's time to repair, reseal, or replace your roof. And if you want to prevent them in the future, you'll want to make sure that your rubber roof is in good shape before the weather gets too hot or too cold.
Leaks & Cracks
Cracks and leaks can damage your RV rubber roof and lead to serious structural damage, such as leaks in your roof deck, or loss of structural integrity in your roofing material.
- Leaks can be especially dangerous during hot weather, when parked in direct sunlight.
- A leaking RV rubber roof can cause extensive damage to your vehicle, including damage to your walls and windows, as well as damage to your RV's interior and exterior.
Fading and discoloration are common signs of rubber roof wear and tear, and they can appear in a variety of colours.
- Fading is caused by sun exposure, and it's the most common sign of wear and tear.
- Discoloration can also occur when rubber roofing is exposed to the sun, and it can be caused by dust and dirt, as well as by recurrent water leaks.
- If you notice any signs of fading or discoloration on your rubber roof, it's more than likely time to consider making some repairs.
Peeling/Separating Seams
- Peeling rubber roofing is another common sign of roof wear and tear. Like cracks and separations, peeling is especially common with hybrid and all-season rubber roof systems that are designed to be flexible and able to handle a variety of weather conditions.
- Separation is one of the most dangerous signs of wear and tear on an RV rubber roof. With a separation, the rubber of the roofing rolls up or separates from the RV's roof deck.
- Signs of either of these are indicative that it's time to take action and make some repairs.
How to Inspect an RV Rubber Roof
Leaving a noticeable sign of damage or ongoing wear and tear on your rubber roof can seriously damage your RV's structural integrity and cause leaks in your roofing system. That's why it's important to inspect your roof carefully whenever it's time to repair or replace your rubber roof.
Depending on the extent of the damage and the rubber roof system you have, you can inspect your roof for the following signs of wear and tear: cracking, fading, discoloration, peeling, separation, and leaks.
- If your rubber roof is cracked or showing signs of cracking, you'll want to have the damage inspected and repaired as soon as possible. Failing to inspect and repair cracks on your rubber roof can lead to serious structural damage.
- Look for signs of fading, which can be caused by exposure to the sun. It's common in older RVs, and should be addressed and remedied to preserve the integrity of the roofing system.
- Dust, dirt, and moisture can cause discoloration on rubber roofs, and it can be a sign of potential leaks or structural damage. It's imperative that you patch any found leaks and holes as soon as possible to protect your investment.
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Let's Wrap Things Up
Knowing when it's time to repair your RV's rubber roof is crucial for keeping your RV in great shape. Spotting the signs of an aging RV rubber roof can be tricky, but with a few simple tips, you can make sure that your rubber roof is in good condition and functioning properly.
Need even more tips? Read our related guide: How Do You Repair a Water Damaged RV Rubber Roof.
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