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Rolling on Old Tires: How Long Do Tires on an RV Last?

Rolling on Old Tires: How Long Do Tires on an RV Last?

As an avid RV traveler, I have learned that the longevity of your RV tires is a crucial factor in ensuring a safe and comfortable journey. Tires are the only point of contact between your RV and the road, and they are subjected to harsh weather conditions, heavy loads, and long periods of inactivity. What follows is some helpful information I’ve learned that can help answer the age old question: how long do tires on an RV last? 

Factors that Affect Tire Life

First, let’s start with underlying factors. Several factors affect the life of your RV tires. The first factor is the quality of the tire. High-quality tires can last up to ten years or more, while low-quality tires may only last a few years. 

The second factor is the amount of use the tires get. If you frequently use your RV, your tires will wear out faster than if you only use your RV occasionally. Yet another condition that plays a role is the weight of your RV. The heavier your RV, the more stress that is placed on the tires, which can cause them to wear out faster. 

Finally, the always existing factors are inherent weather conditions. Extreme temperatures, exposure to sunlight and moisture can all affect the life of your tires in different ways. 

Understanding Tire Age & Manufacturing Date

Tire age is an essential factor to consider when assessing the life of your RV tires. Even if your tires have plenty of tread left, they may still need to be replaced if they are too old. 

The age of your tires can be determined by the manufacturing date, which is printed on the sidewall of the tire. The manufacturing date is a four-digit code, with the first two digits indicating the week of the year, and the last two digits indicating the year. For example, if the code is 2317, the tire was manufactured in the 23rd week of 2017, and so on. 

Signs of Wear & Tear on Tires

To ensure the safety of your RV travels, it is essential to regularly check for signs of wear and tear on your tires. Some common signs of wear and tear include cracks on the sidewalls or tread, bulges or blisters on the sidewalls, and uneven wear on the tread. If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to replace your tires. 

As a good rule of thumb, any time you suspect your tires might be old -- it’s time to inspect them or have them professionally inspected for safety and peace of mind. 

Importance of Regular Tire Maintenance

Regular tire maintenance is critical to extending the life of your RV tires. Some essential maintenance tasks include checking tire pressure, rotating tires, and inspecting for signs of wear and tear. Checking tire pressure is especially important, as underinflated or overinflated tires can increase the risk of a blowout or premature wear. Don’t risk it - always check before you go!

How Long Do Tires on an RV Last?

The lifespan of RV tires depends on several factors, including the quality of the tire, the amount of use the tires get, the weight of your RV and the weather conditions. On average, though, most RV tires last between 5-7 years. If you take good care of your tires, they can last up to 7 years or more, again all depending on these underlying factors and differing situations.

Tips to Extend the Life of Your RV Tires

If you want to get the most life out of your RV’s tires, here are a few helpful tips you can follow: 

  • Keep your RV tires properly inflated
  • Rotate your tires regularly
  • Avoid overloading your RV
  • Store your RV in a cool, dry place when not in use
  • Use tire covers to protect your tires from sunlight and weather exposure
  • Inspect your tires regularly for signs of wear and tear

When to Replace RV Tires

Even if your tires have plenty of tread left, it may be time to replace them if they are too old. RV tires should be replaced every 5-7 years, regardless of the amount of use they get. If you notice any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or bulges, signs of decay, sidewall issues or others, it is essential to replace your tires immediately.

Cost of Replacing RV Tires

The cost of replacing RV tires varies depending on the size and quality of the tire. On average, you can expect to spend between $200-$500 per tire, all depending upon what type of tire you select. While this may seem expensive, it is a small price to pay for ensuring the safety of your RV travels and its occupants.

Safety First with RV Tires

The longevity of your RV tires is a crucial factor in ensuring a safe and comfortable journey. Understanding the factors that affect tire life, regularly inspecting your tires for signs of wear and tear, and following proper RV tire maintenance can extend the life of your tires and keep you safe on the road. Remember to replace your tires every 5-7 years, regardless of the amount of use they get, and always prioritize safety first on your RV travels.

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